Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Growing Family

My family is growing, in so many ways. My daughter just turned 10 months old last week and time is flying by too fast. She'll be walking and talking in no time at all...sigh...
On the bright side, I've been starting her early on painting tutorials and miniwargaming battle reports. Ironically, the battle reports interest her the most; must be something about dice being rolled over and over.

My "other" family is also growing. Some recent success with resin casting has yielded more Tau Battlesuit goodness, and much more is on the horizon. I've run out of resin for my battlesuit molds, so those will have to take a break, but I still have plenty for my own micromark molds that I've been neglecting.
An early WIP pic for my Commander.
I tend to only buy models off the web, and generally that means my models are maltreated and in desperate need of some love. This week I took in a brand new baby from the 40k adoption agency that is Ebay.
Brand new sealed Skyray, obviously meant for me.
Since a new Tau codex is coming within the next month or so, I decided I better pick up one of these guys before GW replaces them. Apparently GW recalled a bunch of stuff from stores so that it can be replaced with new items. The Hammerhead was pulled out, but the Skyray was left. I'm thinking that GW is just going to add some new artwork to the Skyray box, mark it up, and call it a dual kit like they've been doing for other armies.
Bonus Hammerhead Weapons Sprue that Skyrays come with!
This new kit brings my Tau "School" up to 6 full vehicles, not counting the two piranhas. I can field 3 hammerheads, 2 skyrays, 6 devilfish and anything in between.

I fear that GW may try and turn the Tau into a gunline army, which is bad for me because I want to run a mechanized force. A mech force is more in line with Tau fluff, but tau have predominately been played as a gunline army because that was one of the only ways to be competitive with them. If GW embraces popular usage over existing fluff, then this new release may not be all that exciting for me.

No matter, they are going to buff the Skyray, and then I'll be able to field the tanks that were named for me (obviously)

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