Friday, June 13, 2014

DIY Homemade Portable Wargaming Table

There aren't very many options out there for portable wargaming tables. Those that are out there all have their own flaws and my design is an alternative method for those of us who are limited in everything except willpower. No money? No time? No space? No problem.

This tutorial is not meant to be a strict step-by-step. It is intended to get your creative juices flowing and thinking about how you can make your own with what you have available following the same rough design.
In theory, this tutorial should have something of value for just about anyone, regardless of their resources or handyman skills.

Now, down to business...

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Converting the XV107- R'varna Battlesuit

From the Forgeworld website
Hello All!

Today, instead of my occasional contribution of a battle report, I will be showing off my latest model: the XV107 R'varna by Forgeworld.

With all the new monstrous creatures and Imperial Knights running amok, it is a good thing that the Tau have the Riptide to compete. The R'varna is a heavier defensive variant of the Riptide. It sacrifices mobility and versatility for increased firepower and survivability. The R'varna is an awesome model, but I wanted to make a few changes to it...

Monday, June 24, 2013

Converting Your Own Ethereal

With the changes to Ethereal rules in the 6th edition Tau update, there have come significant changes to how Tau play.
Well perhaps they haven't changed the play all that much, but it has created a much stronger "Castle" tactic, than was previously possible.

Since Ethereals look like they've got some fun new rules and could be worth it in the right circumstances, I decided that I'd like to have one. However, I had a problem: I didn't like any of GW's ethereal models. Not because they look bad (though some do), but because they all come in finecast/metal and are nigh impossible to convert. So I turned to alternative methods.

There are three steps I used in transforming a human model into an Ethereal.

#1 Model Selection

When looking for a potential Ethereal stand-in, there are certain things you should look for. Obviously, it is your army, so you can use whatever models you want as long as your opponents are ok with it, but to get a somewhat accurate counts-as, you need to keep these things in mind:
  • Ethereals have no armour save. The model shouldn't have much armour on it, and if it does it really shouldn't be doing much in the way of protection.
  • Ethereals are the noble ruling class of the Tau. Their demeanor and stance should reflect a leadership role or at the very lease a "holy" or "mysterious" look.
  • Can this work? A simple question, but hard to answer. You must take into account your skills as a hobbyist, the model's potential, and what you expect for the end result. 
  • And above all...

#2 Anatomy

Tau have 4 fingers on each hand, no ears, and no noses. In their forehead is a sort of "slot" and they have oddly shaped hoofs instead of feet. Most of these alterations are easy to accomplish.
  • Cut/shave/file away the model's little fingers
  • Cut/shave/file away the model's ears and nose
  • Either replace the model's feet with some spare Tau ones, or model the hoofs with greenstuff
  • Cut the forehead slot/indent. or replace the head.
When performing the last action, keep this in mind. A major distinguishing feature of a female tau is her forehead indent. Here is a rough example of the difference.

Just take a look at Shadowsun and compare her to any other helmetless Tau and you'll get the idea. Most Tau players have some extra heads lying around from their Firewarrior/Pathfinder kits. This would be the ideal time to use them.

#3 Equipment

Ethereals carry either an Honor Blade or Equalizers. Both are pretty much useless as weapons in the hands of an ethereal, but they are a distinguishing feature of the model. Give your Ethereal a spear of some sort, preferably one with a broad single edged blade that mimics the existing Tau models GW has put out.
Have a look through your bits box, especially the new plastic Pathfinder bits. You'd be surprised what you can find that will really add something to your model.
Though not required, getting the Tau symbol onto the model somewhere can go a long way. If possible model a pendant on, or even a simple transfer symbol put onto the back of the Ethereal's robe.
In some cases, the bits that you put on will be sufficiently marked to give the model a Tau feel. Less is more, so don't cover your Ethereal in symbols, one or two should be sufficient to convey your intentions.
Tada! Your model has transformed into a Tau Ethereal. Granted, the hardest part is the Anatomy, but once you get past that the model should do the rest. That is why it is so important to select a model that will accept the alterations well, rather than just grabbing the first mini you see and getting to work chopping it up.


Here is my own Tau ethereal. She was only just put together last night, so I have not named her or written any backstory for her. But she should be fun to put on the table!
I had a stroke of luck at a citywide yard sale one weekend, and found a chap who used to own a model store and still had a significant amount of Reaper singles to get rid of. I grabbed this female elf sorceress-ish type character for $3.
I know that Ethereals don't actually carry pulse pistols, but it serves the purpose of Tau-ifying my model, giving a combat feel, and giving that sword hand something to hold.
 Here she is after the first pass. I replaced the elf ear with a Tau comms antenna, since there needed to be something holding her hair back. The spear blade used to be her sword blade, in hindsight I probably should have just made one from scratch. Perhaps I still will, it will be a quick switch.

 Here she is on some cork to raise her up and maker her more of a heroic figure.

 And a picture from the back after I made some alterations to the spear and shoulder sleeves. The armour plate over the shoulder sleeve is about half of a Stealth suit shoulder pad. It gets the Tau symbol onto the model, adds some iconic armour plating, and covers up the Medieval looking sleeves.

 And here she is from the front. I got lucky with this model because the hair makes covers up any forehead indent, and the robe mostly covers the feet so I didn't have to do much modeling in those departments.
The spear could definitely use  some refining though.
I may not be able to use this model in a Games Workshop store, but I honestly doubt I'll use her that much. I really made her because I felt that no Tau army would be complete without an Ethereal somewhere in the ranks.
After I get the rest of my boys in order perhaps I'll revisit this mini and giver her a proper Honor Blade.
I hope this was helpful or inspirational to some people. Thanks for reading!  

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Magnetizing a Crisis Suit

Few armies lend themselves to magnetization like the Tau. And fewer still can do it as cheaply or as easily.
Tau crisis suits are so incredibly versatile, that magnetizing them is almost mandatory. What will you do after you've glued on that multitracker or flamer? Counts-as models are always a little bit of an admission of defeat, because you wouldn't pay enough money to have all the correct models.
However, using magnets maintains your ability to switch out weapons/systems on your battlesuits, without forcing you to buy extra battlesuits or weapons. You can also use magnets to make your devilfish/hammerhead/skyray interchangeable. An excellent tutorial on magnetizing your vehicle chassis can be found here.
I will be focusing on the XV-8 battlesuit, but magnet techniques can be adapted to just about any model. The model I am using has the forgeworld battlesuit forearms and weapon mount, but the technique applies to regular battlesuit arms as well.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

XV-8 Conversions

XV-8's to the Front!

XV-8's are an older model, at least 10 years old, but they will not be changed for the new Tau Codex. This is fine with me, as the aesthetics fit the Tau ideals and it was a very good foundation for converting. There weren't a whole lot of problems with them so why redo them?

Friday, April 19, 2013

New Cadre Members!

Cadre Fireblade

This guy was a blast to convert. All I needed were some pieces from both the firewarrior sprue and the new pathfinder sprue. A little extra kit and an elongated braid was all this guy needed to look like a total boss.

The leg pose was achieved by cutting the left leg off of a running pose and replacing the left leg of a standing pose.

The left arm is a regular extended firewarrior arm with the hand replaced with the pathfinder binocular hand holding the magnifier.

The chest piece center was carved out a bit and a firewarrior grenade arm's shoulder pad put in.

Finally, his braid is actually three firewarrior barehead braids glued together to extend the length and add rings.


The picture isn't great, but there really isn't much to this conversion. It is all pathfinder pieces and a little green-stuff sash.

The left arm is a regular supporting arm put onto a pathfinder carbine.

The markerlight is attached to the gun in a slightly different manner.

In order to distinguish him more, I'll have to paint him more ostentatiously than my other pathfinders or firewarriors.

Magnetized XV-9

This was pretty simple to do. you bore out the inside of the shoulder pad where the elbow pin would normally go. There's just enough room for a 1/8" circular magnet to go in.

The elbow pin is cut off, making it a flat surface. Drill down just a little bit to give the magnet something to sit in and glue it in.

The tricky thing with magnets is that you really need to be sure that the positive sides match up with negative sides. Otherwise they won't stick together after you've superglued the magnets in. So check and double check!

Tada! fusion cascades or twin-linked burst cannons, as you please! I'm excited for the IA:3 2nd Ed to come out so the XV-9's will be awesome again!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Sturdier Skimmer Stand

Those of us who have owned Warhammer 40k Vehicles that require a skimmer stand, have all experienced the horror of a broken stand. The slender acrylic rods that come with every skimmer, jetbike, drone, etc. are  notorious for snapping off at the neck and leaving plastic embedded in the model.